以下是我总结翻译的 2012 年 7 月 7 日 Tommy Emmanuel 在 Reddit 上在线解答网友问题精选问答。




Hey,Tommy! 我是个忠实粉丝~
1:你的音响/PA/吉他的设置一般是怎样的? 我像你一样把所有的频段都调到中间,但感觉旋律部分还是不是像你弹出来的那么突出,我也尝试过不同的组合,但始终效果都不好。
2:这个月过些日子你会到到多伦多做一次讲习,我也联系了那边的主办方;那边说会是一个长达一周的讲习,真是太棒了! 我和我的朋友都准备去要参加,但我们每天大约要出去2-3个小时去工作或者上学,这样有办法去听你的讲习吗?能和你再次一起弹吉他吗?


你好!超级粉丝!我在利物浦看过你的演出,坐在非常靠前的座位,那晚真是我一生中最美妙的夜晚之一。我的问题是,你会弹这么多曲子,想记住这么多曲子是不是很困难? 如果有方法,那应该怎样才能记住这么多曲子呢?
我刚才用很快的时间给你画了一幅画儿,描述的是你用你超强的吉他能力来驯服了一只野生的大熊! 感谢你的无与伦比的音乐激励了我开始弹吉他

你好,Tommy! 现在我在新奥尔良每周会有7-8场演出。 4年前我就放弃用拨片来弹奏了,开始使用“指弹”的方法,曲子涉及delta blues(三角洲布鲁斯),Jerry Reed等等…我的问题是,有没有能够提高手指速度频率的方法,还有用手指来弹奏旋律,而不是用拨片。 谢谢! 你的音乐太有灵感了!

多谢你的赞赏!提高频率和速度的唯一方法就是专注的练习。这需要很多时间,很多人感觉到达不了他们期望的高度,所以就中途放弃了。 这真是可惜……你应该找到你弹奏的强项然后在这方向上继续努力。 速度并不是一切。 好音乐取决于音乐的整个品质和完整性。

Tommy Emmanuel:

首先,我需要一个写作的灵感,如果我有时候对于一个想法特别兴奋,我通常一下子就把它写完了。 有些歌写起来很慢,我需要找到很合适的和声来编配它,有些歌比如Angelina,我当天一下子就写出来了,而且当天就在舞台上表演了。

给我们这些平凡的“人类”,你能推荐一些书来练习吗? 现在我正在看Ted Greene的书,因为我看到有一个你的Youtube视频中曾经推荐过这一本书。
我推荐Ted Greene的书是因为他的书中的和弦知识那部分写的很好。 但我自己不识谱,我也没有过各种音乐教材书,只有一些吉他杂志而已。

Hi Tommy! 你是否有过看到一个吉他手,不管是曾经的还是现在的,然后就想把自己的吉他扔到河里去…因为我看到你之后,我已经把我的吉他扔到河里了。

我给你的建议是:从河里捡回你的吉他,把它弄干,然后再来弹奏吧。 其实,从古到今,有很多伟大的吉他手,他们都非常了不起,我知道我永远也不会像Joe Satriani或者George Benson那样弹奏,但我就是我,我可以吸引喜欢我的那部分人。
看到那些有天赋的音乐家的表演对我们是很有帮助的,但不要因为看到他们而感觉沮丧,不要试图和他们比个高低,比如Jeff Beck. 从来没有人可以像他弹的那么好,但是,我们可以做好我们自己,做到最好的自己。继续弹吧!

2013年3月你来伦敦的时候我要去看你的演出!我已经等不及了!我已经买了前排的座位,哈哈! 自从我听到你的音乐之后,我弹吉他的灵感大增,我的老师经常夸奖您的现场演出,所以我觉得明年您的演出一定不会令我失望!
1:关于拇指独立,我现在已经可以在一些简易曲子中做到拇指的独立,但你演奏的lady madonna/day tripper我实在是克服不了,我的问题是,我该进行怎样的训练,才能够演奏您的这些披头士的歌呢?
3:你最喜欢在哪里演出? 我想是不是韩国呢?看到一些视频,观众都非常热情。


你的演出真是太多了,这些演出都非常需要身体方面和精神方面的支撑。 但你的表现都非常好,你是否有特别喜欢的体育运动,比如早晨去健身房之类的? 对此非常感兴趣,谢谢!

25年前我就不去健身房了,哈哈,我在舞台上很努力,我经常带着很多设备走很远的路。 我从来不吸烟,而且我现在也把喝酒戒了。所以我的状态现在很好




What’s it like having 16 fingers on your left hand??
Difficult to find gloves.

Hey Tommy! Long time fan here.
1.What settings do you usually have on your guitar/amp/PA? I try to crank up the mid range like you do but somehow the melody still doesn’t come out quite as much as I would like it to. I’ve tried a few combinations but nothing has worked perfectly on stage for me yet.
2.You’re having a workshop later this month in Toronto and I’ve contacted Guitar Workshop Plus about the details. They told me it’s a weeklong workshop and it sounds fantastic, my friends and I would love to attend. But we’re about 2 or 3 hours outside Toronto and have school/work that keeps us from making this commitment. Is there any way we could come and support your workshop? Possibly play guitar with you once again?
A bit off topic, but just wanted to say you made my life when this happened.

It’s up to you to get the melody out properly, not the mid-range on your amp! If you can get the melody to stand out acoustically, then set the amp with everything flat, then it should sound good!
I’m coming in for one day on the workshop, so my part of the workshop will be concentrated and I will try to help as many people as possible and give everybody a chance to play as well.


Hello! Big fan! Saw you in Liverpool, I was right at the front! One of the best nights of my life. My question is, do you ever have issues remembering the bajillion songs you know? If you do, what steps to take to try to remember ’em all?
I’ve also drawn you this super quick picture of you taming a wild bear with your amazing guitar powers to thank you for sharing your amazing music and inspiring me to play guitar:

View post on imgur.com

Tommy Emmanuel:
Because I’ve always played songs, I can remember them right back to my childhood. However, some of the more complicated ones that I’ve written, I often have to practise to remember the fingering.
Thanks for the drawing!

Hello Tommy! I play 7-8 gigs a week here in New Orleans. I gave up the flatpick about 4 years ago, working on any fingerstyle I can from delta blues to Jerry Reed… Any tips on building speed and fluency in fingerstyle and also, tips on playing lead lines with fingerstyle instead of a flatpick… Thanks, you are a true inspiration!

Tommy Emmanuel:
Thank you for your kind words. The only way to build fluency and speed is by practise and dedication. It takes time, and sometimes people never reach the level they dream of and so they quit. This is a shame…you should find where your strengths lie and really go for it. Speed isn’t everything, it’s the quality and integrity of your music that will last.

Favourite chord?
Tommy Emmanuel:

What is your approach to writing songs?

Firstly, I need an idea to inspire me to continue writing. If I get excited about an idea I’ve come up with, I usually see it through and finish writing it in one sitting. Some songs have come slowly to me and I’ve had to wait til I got the chorus right. Some songs like Angelina all came at once and I wrote the song and performed it on the same day.

What books and practice methods do you suggest for us humans to practice? I’m working through Ted Greene’s books right now which I saw you suggest in a youtube video before.

I suggested Ted Greene’s books because of the chordal knowledge that he has put in his books. Because I don’t read music, I don’t have music books – only guitar magazines!
I believe we guitar players should be working on our weaknesses and learning good songs all the time.


Hi Mr. Emmanuel,
Are there any guitar players, past or present, that make you wanna throw your guitar in a river… in much the same way you have already made me throw my guitar in a river?

Please retrieve your guitar, dry it out and start playing it again! There are so many great players, past and present, who are mind blowing and so inspiring. I know I can’t play like Joe Satriani or George Benson, but I can play like me and appreciate all the greatness around me.
It helps us to watch gifted musicians doing what they’re born to do, so don’t get discouraged by trying to compare yourself to somebody as good as Jeff Beck. None of us will ever play like him. However, we can try to be the best we can. Play on!

coming to see you in march 2013 in london! can’t wait, i have front row seats haha! truly my inspiration in guitar ever since i heard about you, and my teacher keeps bigging up your live performances so i’m sure you cant disappoint me
I have a few questions:
1.About independance in the thumb, I find myself being able to do quite a few fingerstyle songs that require mild independance, but I can’t quite grasp your totally brilliant cover of lady madonna/day tripper, so my question is how would I go about training it to be able to play the beatles medley?
2.if you could go back in time to one certain place in time to change something that happened, what would it be?
3.where is your favourite place to tour? I imagine, as seen from videos, one of the asian countries like Korea due to the incredibly responsive crowd
thank you for your time and doing this, and hope to hear some replies
-Benny, 15 year old from Hampshire, England

Tommy Emmanuel:
1.You must work it out bar by bar, slowly. Then practise it up…that’s the only way you’re gonna get it. However, learn simpler music first.
2.I would not have drank Jack Daniels as much in my youth!
3.I love Asian countries, but also audiences in places like Russia, Poland, Serbia, Italy, Germany, Australia are all so wonderful to play to. The world is full of passionate people. In fact, the London crowds are some of my favourites. They are so tuned in.

You’re touring a lot, your way of performing is very demanding physically and emotionally. So, you have to be always fit. Do you have a special favourite physical excersise course, morning gym or whatever? Very interesting. Thank you!

I stopped going to the gym 25 years ago. I work harder on stage and I carry a lot of equipment and I walk a lot. I have never smoked cigarettes and I quit drinking alcohol, so I’m in great shape!